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What we offer

We don’t just claim to put our clients as our priority; we boldly live up to this commitment day in and day out. From the moment a customer interacts with us, their needs and satisfaction become the driving force behind every decision we make.

Dedicated Support

At dozenfianance, we understand the importance of providing dedicated support to our clients. We believe that exceptional products and services are enhanced by exceptional customer service.

Commitment To Sustainability

Commitment to sustainability is a core value embraced by dozenfianance. We firmly believe in the importance of preserving the environment and actively strive to make a positive impact through our operations.

Customer-Centric Approach

Our customer-centric approach goes beyond just delivering products and services. We aim to build long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual benefit.

We’re Commited to Delivering High Quality Services

Dozenfianance( DOZENFIANANCE GLOBAL COMPANY LTD) is an established SPANISH energy company that was founded in the late 1990s and officially incorporated in 2010. Our unwavering commitment is to provide you with exemplary products in various sectors such as agriculture, metals, oil/energy, technology, textiles, and digital asset mining powered by solar energy.

Dozenfianance has experienced remarkable growth in market activities over the years. In 2013, our global expenditure in the market amounted to approximately $220 million. Today, we exceed an annual expenditure of $26 billion, which accounts for about 11% of the global Gross Domestic Profit (GDP).

Frequently Asked Question

We provide answers to some of the common queries and concerns that our customers often have. We understand that you may have specific questions regarding our products, services, or company policies, and we aim to address them comprehensively.

Extensive Experience

Sustainable Economic Impact

Global Impact

Strong Corporate Ethics

Quality and Reliability

 specializes in renewable energy solutions, with a focus on agriculture, metals, oil/energy, chemicals, textiles, and digital asset mining powered by solar energy.

Absolutely. We prioritize delivering products and services of the highest quality and ensuring their reliability. Our focus on research and development enables us to offer state-of-the-art solutions that meet industry standards.

Dozenfianance  stands out due to its extensive experience, comprehensive product range, commitment to sustainability, cutting-edge innovations, and customer-centric approach. We also specialize in solar-powered digital asset mining, which sets us apart in the industry.

You can contact our customer support team through various channels, including phone, email, telegram, whatsapp or our website’s livechat. We are here to address any questions or concerns you may have. digital asset mining, which sets us apart in the industry.

Meet Our Team

Eng. Alistair O'Sullivan


Doc. Chapman Birdwhistle


Dr. Anna Nguon

Administrative Manager

Mr. Somchair Hector

Accounts Manager

Barr. Kelly. Ó Ceallaigh

Legal Attorney

Benjamin Longbottom

Legal Analyst

Prepared to begin? Start your journey by opening an investment account. Start investing as early as possible and see yourself successful.

Dozenfianance is driven by a strong dedication to sustainability, specializes in delivering outstanding green solutions. By leveraging Dozenfianance expertise, businesses can attain a significant market share and achieve success in the field of sustainable solutions.